CMPE 150

Introduction to Computing

Fall 2021

Created by Gökçe Uludoğan

Welcome to CMPE 150

Welcome to CMPE 150

and programming!

Meet the Cmpe150 Team!


Murat Özyurt

Teaching Assistants:

  • Gökçe Uludoğan
  • Zeynep Yirmibeşoğlu
  • Niaz Chalabianloo
  • Ömer Zekvan Yılmaz
  • Ufuk Can Biçici


  • We will use PyCharm and Teaching Codes plug-in in quizzes and exams.


  • We will use PyCharm and Teaching Codes plug-in in quizzes and exams.
  • Follow the Installation Guide and TeachingCodes Guide to complete installation and get familiar with the environment.


  • We will use PyCharm and Teaching Codes plug-in in quizzes and exams.
  • Follow the Installation Guide and TeachingCodes Guide to complete installation and get familiar with the environment.
  • The installation must be completed until October 29. The questions might remain unanswered afterwards.


  • We will use PyCharm and Teaching Codes plug-in in quizzes and exams.
  • Follow the Installation Guide and TeachingCodes Guide to complete installation and get familiar with the environment.
  • The installation must be completed until October 29. The questions might remain unanswered afterwards.
  • Teaching.Codes credentials are sent to you. But we will send again to those who haven't received them after the add/drop.


  • We will use PyCharm and Teaching Codes plug-in in quizzes and exams.
  • Follow the Installation Guide and TeachingCodes Guide to complete installation and get familiar with the environment.
  • The installation must be completed until October 29. The questions might remain unanswered afterwards.
  • Teaching.Codes credentials are sent to you. But we will send again to those who haven't received them after the add/drop.
  • Please check announcements on Moodle regularly!


  • We will use PyCharm and Teaching Codes plug-in in quizzes and exams.
  • Follow the Installation Guide and TeachingCodes Guide to complete installation and get familiar with the environment.
  • The installation must be completed until October 29. The questions might remain unanswered afterwards.
  • Teaching.Codes credentials are sent to you. But we will send again to those who haven't received them after the add/drop.
  • Please check announcements on Moodle regularly!
  • Labs hours are dedicated to practical programming exercises.
If you have any questions, send an email to


1. Think before you write!


1. Think before you write!

2. Run and test your code often!


1. Think before you write!

2. Run and test your code often!

3. Don't afraid of errors!


A list of instructions that a computer uses to solve a problem.

Input > Program > Output

Recipe Analogy1

Food Recipe:
  • a chef writes a set of instructions called a recipe.
  • the recipe requires specific ingredients.
  • the cook follows the instructions step-by-step.
  • the food will vary depending on the amount of ingredients and the cook.
  • a programmer writes a set of instructions called a program.
  • the program requires specific inputs.
  • the computer follows the instructions step-by-step.
  • the output will vary depending on the values of the inputs and the computer.



Gather the Crust Ingredients

Process the crackers

Press the Crust

Gather the Cake Ingredients

Add ingredients

Scrape the Bowl




Gather the Crust Ingredients

Process the crackers

Press the Crust

Gather the Cake Ingredients

Add ingredients

Scrape the Bowl




Prepare the Crust

Gather the Cake Ingredients

Add ingredients

Scrape the Bowl





Prepare the Crust

Prepare the Batter




Prepare the Crust

Prepare the Batter


Top the Cheesecake


  1. Conrad Potter, Introduction to Java, MIT-AITI Ethiopia, 2004,